


The giphy plugin can be used as slash command, for example by typing /giphy <text>.

The plugin will lookup a matching gif image via the Giphy API and display it to all users in the channel.


The giphy plugin requires minimal configuration:

  • Create a new slash command in Mattermost to the URL endpoint /giphy
  • Configure the token for the giphy plugin in BabelFish (optional but recommended)
  • Configure a Giphy API key and/or the image rating (optional)



The github plugin implements a webhook to display Github notifications in a Mattermost channel.

The plugin makes use of Mattermost’s attachments and Markdown features (e.g. commits will be displayed in a Markdown table).


Configuration of the github plugin is required:

  • Create a new incoming webhook in Mattermost
  • Configure the webook URL for the github plugin in BabelFish
  • Create a new webhook in Github and point it to the URL endpoint /github
  • Configure a github secret in BabelFish and in the GitHub webhook (optional but recommended)